Miss New Zealand World2008 - Miss Kahurangi Taylor

Miss New Zealand World2008 - Miss Kahurangi TaylorMiss Kahurangi, Julia TAYLOR

Age: 17 Height: 180

Languages: English & Maori

Kahurangi grew up in Waiuku, South Auckland.

The Maori name for New Zealand is Aoteuroa, which means Land of the Long White Cloud in Maori, this is because when it was first discovered it was covered in low fog & cloud.

Kahurangi has just completed her NCEA levels 1 & 2; her ambition is to attend the Waikato University and to qualify as a Psychiatrist.

Sporting and leisure interests are: Tennis; netball; outrigger canoeing; painting; listening to hip hop & R&B; playing piano; reading (favourite book is ‘Whale Rider' by Witi Ihimaera); dancing the ‘Kapa Haka' (more commonly known as the Maori war dance): and she enjoys eating ice cream.

Her special motto is "Whiai te iti Kahurangi, ki te tuohu, koe me maunga teitei", "Follow your wildest aspirations and bow only to the loftiest mountain".
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